Raise or redeem voucher for your next trip or to buy gift or movies with ease using AstraPay.
Transfer money from your AstraPay account to any bank in Nigeria with the speed of life.
Pay your DSTV, electricity, and other bills in the comfort of your home.
Save yourself the stress of going to the ATM, make fast and secured withdrawals from any of our agent outlets.
With our daily contribution plan, you get amazing interest while keeping your money safe.
Saves yourself from financial distress. Request for soft loans and get it instantly.
Sign up with your phone number, answer a security questions, and get verified in less than 2 minutes.
Fund your AstraPay wallet, make transaction, recharge your mobile and get discount on first recharge of #200 and above.
Get advancement for your business, school fees, events and many more up to #150, 000.
Can't find your answer? We're here to help! Ask one of our advisors at nigeria@astrapay.co.
Or Chat with us on Live Support.